Our Secure File Exchange will make you feel safe about submitting your private financial records to our office.
With your own user id, here's what will be available to you, as our client, on our
Secure File Transfer. . . .
Tax Clients, you'll be able to:
- tranfer your documents to our office
- receive files from our office including:
- copies of tax returns
- copies of your W-2s
- copies of your 1099-Misc
- any other document from your tax file
Bookkeeping Clients, you'll also be able to transfer and receive your financial statements via secure file exchange.
Call today for your own user id and password!
Do you have your user id and password? Then push "yes" to proceed to the file exchange.

You can also submitt your tax documents to our office by:
Faxing Your Documents
Dropping off Documents at Executive Suite
Place your documents in a sealed envelope. Label the envelope with your full name and write "SCAN" below your name.
Our executive suite is located at:
120 Vantis, 3rd Floor
Aliso Viejo, CA 92656
(888) 827-9787
Open 8am-5pm Mon-Fri